Here are some notes for your photoshoot...
HEADSHOT WARDROBE (Dancers & Non-Dancers)
What you wear greatly affects how you are perceived so clothing should support your image. Although there are no hard and fast rules there are a few things that rarely work well in photographs. Avoid solid white. NO BIG LOGOS. Avoid big prints, paisley, polka dots, checks and leave your Hawaiian shirt at home. Generally, the idea is to not compete with your clothes for attention. Wardrobe should compliment you.
RED CARPET WARDROBE (Dancers & Non-Dancers)
Everyone will also get their photo taken on the red carpet. You can wear the same outfit as your headshot OR change into something more dressy. ACTION PHOTOSHOOT (Full Program - Dancers Only)
We are excited to announce that the FULL PROGRAM dancers will also get an action/dance photoshoot. Dress in your own style like you would to an audition (ie. sporty, funky, edgy, sassy etc) - fashionable but danceable (not formal dance wear). You will be photographed against a white background, so avoid white colors. Bright solid colors look the best. No logos
Please come with your hair styled as you normally would. We will have a stylist to touch it up if needed
Our make up artist will do your make up.
Come with a clean moisturized face - no make up CLICK HERE to see a behind the scenes video of the photoshoot
